Row one: Ron Ely, Ron Fowler, Rick Halm, Tom Shafer, Dan Parillo. Row Two: Dick Park, Van Welty, Tom Downie, Ted Hitchens. Row Three: Coach Fran Colacino, Calvin Swisher, Manager, Joe Ribble, Big Bill Fanning, Can Gulliver, Kevin Norris, Richard (Chip) Wheeler, Jim McFarland, Coach John Starzac.



Viking Dan Parillo struggles for control of his opponent.
   Our Grapplers are undergoing a very successful campaign. In S.T.L., Competition, they have captured 4 of 6 meets, losing only to perennial powers Southside and E. F. A. In the highlight of the season, West demolished arch-rival East by the score of 42-6. In this match, West won 10 out of 12 individual matches including 4 consecutive pins. Dan Gulliver, Kevan Norris, and Dan Parillo have come within one match of going undefeated. Gulliver, after losing his first match, has not lost since, while Norris and Parillo both lost hard-fought decisions. Although West is losing 7 seniors from the varsity, the J.V.'s have proven to be tough and able to keep West the best.
     In the recent WCWC tournament, West did very well, placing second behind Bath, West had four champions: Dan Parillo, Chip Wheeler, Kevan Norris and Dan Gulliver. Ron Fowler, a promising freshman, placed second as did heavy-weight Bill Fanning.

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