Bill Allen, Van Welty, Kevan Norris, Bill Fanning, Leo O'Brien, Fred Bickford, Doug Allen, Mark Norris, Rick Boyle, Randy Fuller, Dave Dersham, John Aranda, Coach Camp, Robb Stevenson, Mike O'Shanik, Bruce Elwell, John Durnin, Paul McIntosh, John Youngstrom, Paul Kenyon, Ray Ferris, Rob McDonald, Tom Finneran, Bob Warner, Dick Willame, Paul Ruccou, Mike Lullech.



   After a good start the 1969 LaCrosse team ended up with a 5-7 record. The Varsity lost two tough games against East, but the J. V.'s were able to knock off their cross town rivals. The team was led by Seniors Rick Boyle, Doug Allen, Bruce Elwell, Paul McIntosh and Juniors Bob Warner, Paul Ruocco and Dick Willame.

D. Edwards, R. Darcangelo, M. Lullech, J. Stutzman, P. Smith, J. Griffin, Mr. Cooney, Pat Ruoccou, M. McPhilmy, D. Ozimek, R. Ferris, T. Finneran, L. Ruggles, W. Schudder, O. Dotts.

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