the following Picture you can click on the decoys and a new browser will open
with a larger picture.

These decoys are in our collection and if you click on
the thumbnail pics you will get another browser with a larger picture.

2 Headed Coot |

Mourning Dove |

White Dove |

Eider Ducks |

Gadwall Pair |

Half Size Swan |

Sam Barnes Style Swan |

Summer Ruddy Ducks |

Winter Ruddy |

Barrows Goldeneye Pair |

Sleeper Pintail Drake |

Red Breasted Merganser |

Hooded Merganser |

Common Merganser |

Mantle Style Seagull |

Ornamental Swan |

Regular Seagull |

Harlequin Ducks |

Sleeper Canvasbacks |

Feeder Redhead |

Full Size Swan |

Black Ducks |

Oversized Bluebills |

Oversized Redheads |

Full Size Swan |

Ringnecks |

Small Bluebill Lamp |

Canada Goose Lamp |

Canvasback Drake Lamp |

White Wing Scoters |

Woodducks |

Buffleheads |

Goldeneye |

Old Squaw |

Coot |

Baldplates or Widgeon |

Canada Goose |

Blue Goose |

Snow Goose |

Pintails |

Tall Keeled Canvasbacks |

Mallards |

Cinnamon Teal |

Bluewing Teal |

Greenwing Teal |

Redheads |

Bluebill Scaup |

Ward Style Canvasbacks |

Canvasback |

Cast Iron Bookends |
Size and Miniature Decoys |

Bluebills |

Buffleheads |

Canvasbacks |

Coot |

Goldeneye |

Redhead |

Mallard Drake |

Ruddy Ducks |

Regular, Small and Miniature
Canvasbacks |

Miniature Canvasback Hen |

Mini Blue Goose |

Mini Gadwall |

Mini Goldeneye |

Mini Greenwing Teal |

Mini Old Squaw |

Mini Pintail |

Mini Red Breasted Merganser |

Mini Swan |

Mini Wood Duck |

1/26 Special made small Pintails |
These Decoys were also called "TOLLERS" "We'd
put out a dozen or so, 100 yards out in front, at an angle to the left side and
thee same off on the right. Then we'd put out several hundred decoys (a stool)
right in front of us. We'd set up and wait. Then the Ducks would come flying in
and come Tolling right into the Stool"......
Cap'n Harry
Decoys for sale