Wood Duck Carvings by Milford Hopkins

Each of these art pieces are made to order


Wood Duck Drake

12 inches long and 13 inches high on the base  $700.00

Click on the images below for a close up look

woodydrake2.jpg (28747 bytes)

woodydrake3.jpg (235860 bytes)

woodydrake4.jpg (32817 bytes) woodduck 3.jpg (46221 bytes) woodydrake5.jpg (205297 bytes)

This carving is in stock. Wood Ducks may be ordered for delivery in 4 to 6 weeks. You may order a different pose if you desire. Upon ordering you may request the pose you would like. Serious orders only and we require a 25% deposit. Please email Milford for more information. After confirming with Mr. Hopkins as to his schedule and current work load, we will email back to you with complete details and a target completion date.

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